First Cabin Travel


A ground level view of one of the more fascinating venues in Hanoi

The 36 streets of Hanoi, also known as the “Old Quarter,” have a rich history that dates back over a thousand years. This area is located in the heart of Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam, and is characterized by its narrow streets, ancient architecture, and bustling commercial activity. The origin of the 36 streets can be traced back to the 13th century when King Ly Thai To moved the capital of Vietnam to Thang Long (now Hanoi) and established a craft guild system.

History of the 36 Streets:

During the reign of King Ly Thai To, the Old Quarter began to take shape. The area was divided into specialized streets, with each street dedicated to a particular craft or trade. This arrangement helped organize the city and facilitated commerce and trade.

Each street was named after the goods or services offered by the merchants and artisans who operated there. For example, there was Hang Bac (Silver Street) for silver traders, Hang Gai (Silk Street) for silk merchants, Hang Dao (Cloth Street) for cloth sellers, and so on. Over time, the number of streets increased, reaching the iconic number of 36 streets that we know today.

During the French colonial period in the 19th and early 20th centuries, Hanoi underwent significant changes, and the Old Quarter also saw alterations in its architecture and infrastructure. However, the basic layout and essence of the 36 streets remained intact, preserving its historical significance.

Cyclo Ride along the "36 streets" of Hanoi 1
Sampan, Perfume River, Hue, Vietnam
Cyclo Ride along the "36 streets" of Hanoi 2
Welcoming Smile
Cyclo Ride along the "36 streets" of Hanoi 3
Graceful Lines
Cyclo Ride along the "36 streets" of Hanoi 4
Groomed Gentleman
Cyclo Ride along the "36 streets" of Hanoi 5
Sampan Sunset

Cyclo Ride along the 36 Streets:

A cyclo is a three-wheeled bicycle taxi, a common mode of transport in Vietnam, and it offers a delightful way to explore the vibrant streets of Hanoi’s Old Quarter. Taking a cyclo ride along the 36 streets allows you to immerse yourself in the city’s unique atmosphere and experience its cultural heritage. Here are some sights and enjoyments you can have on a cyclo ride:

  1. Ancient Architecture: The 36 streets are lined with old houses, temples, and pagodas, showcasing traditional Vietnamese architecture. The cyclo ride allows you to observe the intricate designs and distinctive features of these historic buildings.

  2. Bustling Street Life: The streets are always bustling with activity, as vendors sell their goods, locals go about their daily routines, and tourists explore the area. The cyclo ride gives you a chance to witness the lively street scenes up close.

  3. Local Markets: Some streets in the Old Quarter are home to lively markets, where you can find a variety of goods, from fresh produce to handicrafts and souvenirs. Stopping by these markets on your cyclo ride allows you to interact with locals and buy unique items.

  4. Traditional Food: Along the 36 streets, you’ll find numerous food stalls and restaurants offering delicious Vietnamese dishes. Ask your cyclo driver to take you to some of the popular eateries to savor authentic local cuisine.

  5. Pagodas and Temples: The Old Quarter is dotted with ancient pagodas and temples, providing a serene contrast to the bustling streets. Your cyclo ride can include visits to some of these religious sites, allowing you to appreciate the spiritual aspect of Hanoi.

  6. Street Performers: In some areas, you may encounter street performers, showcasing traditional Vietnamese music or arts. The cyclo ride lets you stop and enjoy these impromptu performances.

  7. Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre: While not directly on the 36 streets, the Thang Long Water Puppet Theatre is a short distance away. After your cyclo ride, you can enjoy a traditional water puppet show, an ancient art form unique to Vietnam.

  8. Overall, a cyclo ride along the 36 streets of Hanoi is a memorable experience that provides an authentic glimpse into the city’s history, culture, and daily life. It’s a leisurely way to explore the bustling and charming alleys of the Old Quarter while taking in the sights and sounds of this historic area.Overall, a cyclo ride along the 36 streets of Hanoi is a memorable experience that provides an authentic glimpse into the city’s history, culture, and daily life. It’s a leisurely way to explore the bustling and charming alleys of the Old Quarter while taking in the sights and sounds of this historic area.

Since 1989, First Cabin Travel has offered luxury-styled itineraries to various destinations worldwide with the mainstay of bookings derived from repeat clientele and their enthusiastic referrals. Hanoi to Angkor Wat has long been one of the most popular tours.

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