First Cabin Travel


First Cabin Travel, since 1989 has offered the finest in customized luxury travel to destinations worldwide, with the majority of bookings derived from repeat clientele and their ever-so-enthusiastic referrals. Robert Kenyon, owner of the corporation first traveled to Asia in 1963 with the U.S. Marine Corps and returned with a love of Asia and a passion for travel. His storyline is best described in an interview about the company Robert-Kenyon-interview which provides the background about First Cabin and why it is uniquely positioned to offer the willing traveler the best of what the world has to offer at a price for a luxury tour that goes unmatched within the industry.

When planning your next tour, take a moment to read the First Cabin blog “Has Anyone Seen My Driver” to gain an insight into how one might approach the many offerings placed online within the wide world of travel.

First Cabin Logo Since 1989

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